
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

right way to report spam and post getting marked as spam!

hello there!

i have two questions so, i would ask them one by one.

firstly, what is the right and/or effective way to report spam? is it possible that someone (preferably admin) can just make a separate discussion page for spam where we can post problem causing links? i read somewhere here on the forum that 'report an issue' option at the bottom of page takes a little while to do something.

secondly, i posted a new discussion last night regarding spam. basically i was trying to report a spam link. when i posted that discussion, i got a weird message saying that my post has been marked as spam and won't be visible till mods approve it, wth? :S

i have attached a screen shot as a reference.

would appreciate anyone clearing my confusion!


Views: 408


Replies to This Discussion

I agree with the idea of having only one page dedicated for spam reports.

Not sure if we ever agreed on one method to do this. Anywho, this one certainly fits the bill (first time I've seen a targeted reply like this, sneaky stuff):

Ps. Also reported this using the "Report an Issue" link at the bottom of the page.

A lot of spam gets posted publicly where I (or another admin) will see it. If spam is send as a private message then people usually tell me privately. That happens about once a month on average, but I have no idea how often it goes unreported.

If you find some spam, either send me a pm or put up a new discussion.

Cheers David, will do..






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