
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Grasshopper community,

I have been using a great C# script that takes geometry in Grasshopper and bakes it into Rhino as blocks. It's helpful for organizing geometry (one bake contains everything plugged into the component as one block), but I need the script to do one more thing for a specific project...

I am plugging in a series of identical geometries into the component (let's say five identical rectangular surfaces) and would like it to bake each plane as a duplicate of the same block (one block, repeated 5 times). Right now, it bakes one block that contains five rectangular surfaces. I am hoping to get it to bake in such a way that I can pull the model into SketchUp and I can have five identical components - I can edit one and all of them change. I'm replacing the simple planes with a more complex model. I have already verified blocks work in SketchUp, so I'm thinking the change would be within the C# component, something about the way it looks at the geometry and groups it.

Was wondering if I can post the script itself here and ask if anyone knows how to tweak it to accomplish what I'm hoping?

I know baking blocks isn't officially supported in GH, and I don't need to be reminded of this, but I am hoping for some constructive help on this particular component, which is so close to what I need.

Many thanks.

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Sorry to bother. I need to wrap this up and although I'm not asking you to do it for me, I would love it if you could guide me on how to accomplish what I'm trying to do.



 Any news on this? Still hoping to get a component that works the way I need it.







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