
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

In Grasshopper is there a way to make a Voronoi tessellation more "regular"? I mean, more like a Centroidal Voronoi tessellation, or somewhere in between?

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Without even looking at what you mean by centroidal voronoi... the logic behind the voronoi algorithm stays the same all the time but is driven by the location of the points. An uninfluenced/undistorted grid will make the inverse (a very regular cellular grid). Try slightly altering some of the point positions or culling. See this tutorial :

Here's an iterative solution for finding a centroidal Voronoi tessellation using Hoopsnake:

Also, take a look at this discussion about how GH defines the centroid of a polygon:

YES! That is what I want.

However, I've tried it myself and while the centroids do in fact evolve, the mesh does not.

[edit] Also, why does the PCen tool output multiple sets of vertices? Is there a way to make it only show the last iteration?





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