
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I'm a student Italian

congratulations for the forum, it's my first post!

I designed a panel with the holes using "voronoi" (img.1e2), obtaining the percentage perforated.
My question is: can I set the percentage of drilling before?
For example: I would like the panel is perforated to 53%.

Views: 2674

Replies to This Discussion

Got a bit sidetracked while looking into this, came across an interesting approach using blurring rather than scaling. I'll upload another file with target area logic in a bit.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria


Incidentally, if you vary the Blur Strength rather than the Iterations, then the algorithm becomes continuous and can be used to target a specific area. The change in area is not linear or indeed predictable, but Galapagos can deal with it:

In this case, Galapagos has been told to optimize the area to a value of 500


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria


thanks for the quick reply.
I have version 0.9.0014 and your file is not compatible.
perhaps I have not explained well: I have to drill a rectangle to 50% with 3 holes.
excuse my English.
thanks again

You'll need to update if you want to open my files then.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

The logic is fairly simple, although the grasshopper network is a bit dense;

  • You know how much area you want to end up with. Let's call this ATarget.
  • You know how much area you have without any holes. Let's call this ABase.
  • You can measure how much area your original voronoi curves have. Let's call this ACurves.
  • You need to compute a scaling factor that will modify your curves, so that the total area goes from ACurves to ATarget. Let's call this scaling factor f.
  • When you scale something with a factor f, the area changes as f2. Thus, the scaling factor you're looking for is:
                                       √ ((ABase - ATarget) / ACurves)




David Rutten

Tirol, Austria


Nice approach. Both of them.

This is interesting... I think I could apply this elsewhere. Thanks!

grazie per il tuo consiglio mi è stato molto utile.







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