
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear all,

I want to overwright a command in a pluggin called DIVA, Basically it opens as a window and you can select the time and day and select run, I want to be able to in insert the time and day, Is this something doable at all?? or do I need the actual code for the pluggin to do something like that??? I am new to scripting.. I am inserting a print screen of the pluggin and  the solar position I want to add... PLEASE HELP!!!Thanks

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What do you mean by "command"?

As a rule, you cannot modify the behaviour of a component you did not write.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

Hi Dalia,

I don't think you can overwrite the commands inside the component but you can manipulate DIVA output files in order to do what you need. Use Write Only and export the files. Then use a script to change the sky definition each time and re-run the study. I assume you are running the study for the same geometry.

All you need to change is the line the defines the sky. It should be inside a file that called (*sky.rad) or something similar to that. Look for a line that starts with !gensky. The first 3 numbers are month, day and time.

gensky month day time [ options ]

Check this link for full documentation of genSky:


Thanks Mostapha, it makes a lot of sense, I just don't know how and what to export if I do the write only??? is it the visualization?? sorry for these questions but I'm new to scripting.. Thanks!

I just don't know is you meant I need to write the script in C+or VB.... both won't take such code in the sky file, sorry for asking a lot of questions, thanks!

Sorry! I forget this question for some reason.

It's not hard at all but you need to know the structure of radiance files.

It depends on the type of the study that you want to run. For example if you want to run a radiation analysis then set it up for radiation, export the files using DIVA (the files should be saved in a folder under C:\DIVA), and then use those files as the base file.

You need to modify the sky file as I said, and then run the study with the batch file (.bat). You should write a loop that modifies the sky file and runs the batch file. You need to rename the result file or save them in a different folder if you want them not to be overwritten.

That's how it goes! :)


PS: When is your deadline? You can run what you want easily with Honeybee without dealing with any of these.

Thanks Mostapha, my deadline isn't anytime soon, honeybee isn't released yet?? I've been trying to download it but couldn't find any resource. I don't seem to have any successful outputs from what you described :( I don't know how to write a transcript from the sky file??? is it through Python?? also how do I rerun the study using the batch file??? do I actually need to change every sky file or I could do this in GH... do you have any tutorial or similar example???

Thanks and sorry for the multiple questions...

Hi Dalia,

Then let's get the Honeybee to work for your studies. It's not really ready for public release however I can finish the parts that you need sooner and send them to you for your studies. In this way I also feel the pressure to get it done sooner. I need to know more about your project and how you prepare your geometry.


Hi Mostapha,

Thanks for your help, I will send you one example of my study but my main idea is to have a generic application which can be applied to any geometry, I will send you a "clean" file to give you a better idea...

Thanks again :)






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