
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am trying to use grasshopper to create a geometry from points. This geometry needs to be as precise as possible and not present gaps or severe discontinuities between different surfaces. 

My current challenge is to create a surface between a nurbs curve on one side and another profile that consists both on a nurbs curve and a line on the other.

You can see there are already two surfaces(both created by loft).

I initially thought I would be able to join both curves on the left side of the gap between surfaces and do a loft. Somehow it does not work.

What do you suggest? I really need a flat surface (the one painted in green) and I need the connection between the two surfaces to be as smooth as possible.

Thank you so much for you time

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Is this good enough?

Even better if you also split it on the top angle into 3 pieces.

Also, use integer parameters rather than number parameters to store the index numbers.


Hi Vicente,

I do think this should do the trick. Thank you so much. I have tested also with one more split as you suggested and it does seem to improve the connection surface.

And in the meantime I have also moved to integer parameters.

I will, in the future, try to generate different geometries by manipulating point coordinates and then create a mesh and send it to a FEA software. I guess only then I will know for sure if this does work as desired. But it seems to a quite good approach.

Thanks for your time and availability.







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