
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I have a problem with getting the right item from a list of items. When I trim a big Brep with a smaller Brep I get a trimmed Brep. That I explode into its components to get just the top surface (green), but there comes the problem: When I move the smaller Brep to the boundary of the bigger one, the resulting Brep gets a different numer of surface items than it had before. So the integer slider has the wrong number and it chooses not the top surface. How can I get ALWAYS only the top surface? It is also not possible to search for the right numer manually.. Grasshopper should do it by itself because I want to work with Galapagos afterwords. Can anybody help me please?    

Views: 588

Replies to This Discussion

You could look for the surface area and select only the bigger one. Then, to select the top face, maybe sorting the faces according to z coordinate of center point (also given by the area component).


Acutally, in your case, sorting the Z coordinate of the surface's center point is enought :

(will not work anymore if your top face is not aligned with XY world plane... then you'll have to go with the area sorting)

Thank you so much for the reply! It worked perfectly! :)






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