
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone...

Im nearly totally new to gh, and there are lots of things i dont even know how to do..

The question is..

if i have a non planar surface (example, a lofted surf from 2 sine curves) is it possible to extrude that surface normally to each point, instead of extruding using unitZ, unitX, unit Y or whatever vector?

I tried to evaluate the surface using a domain, but that extrudes the surface lots of times!

what i mean is how to extrude a surface so each of its parts have got the same thickness


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Try Surface--> Util--> [Offset]

do it like this!

Thanks to both of you..

Ive tried offsetting surface, but it doesnt works exactly as i want, because it doesnt make a "solid" from something much more like the second answer, but i dont really understand the commands.. please can you tell me wich commands as text?


ok! i managed to do it!!

Thanks a lot!






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