
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Draw lines in a branching pattern among a series of sorted points.


I have a cloud of points that is hemispherical in shape, which are sorted into about seven levels based on their distance from the center, then sorted again within those levels into smaller groups based on a wedge shape that passes through all seven levels. As such, my data tree shows a correlation between points on one level and the wedge they exist within and points on another level. (Points on levels 3,5,8,9 pass through wedge 135 for instance...the data tree has the points grouped respectively under {3;135}, {5,135},{8;135} and {9;135}, all sorted within their respective branches based upon their distance to the center of the hemispherical cloud.

On a small scale, I can pull the branches {3;135} and {5;135}, for instance, and use the line tool to draw lines from the closer points to the further points, in such a way that represents branching (the 3rd level points may have multiple lines associated with each point, but the 5th level points may only have one). I can pull the 8th level and grow the branches out further...then the ninth and the branch gets even bigger.

However, doing this for three hundred point groups defeats the purpose of parametric there a way I can speed this process up? I'll include my grasshopper file (It's a bit dirty) for reference, as well as my rhino file with the source points.

I'd appreciate some advice! Thanks!

Views: 1168


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Bump, need to get this research going. I feel like this is a hard issue, so here's an updated gh file with and example of what I want to'll notice the branches within the point cloud...but obviously need some kind of automation.


Hi Zach,

the reason you did not get an answer so far is probably, because the question is not clear yet.

By opening the file it is not much better.

There are also some strange things within the .gh, I put some comments on, but can´t go much deeper into at the moment.

Maybe you can try to illustrate your problem in the moste simple manner, then surely someone will be able to help.

See if this is what you are going for. The second part could probably use fewer components.


Wow I've been trying to figure that out for literally simplified my entire file and got the result! that's awesome...thanks a bunch! Now I have to figure out what you did.......





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