
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I start with 4 planes that i want to rotate so they are perpendicular to other 4 planes.

I use align plane and it works except for one problem. It rotates my first 4 planes and (here comes the problem) it duplicate the first planes 4 more times.

Thanks for the help, and sorry for my english.

Views: 667


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the dashed wire between components means you have multiple branches... can you display it on the yellow panel (you probably hide the index and branches for the caption? right?)... may be the source of your problem.

I dont really understand what you try to explain. (today is my second day with gh and I feel completely noob).

I will attach the .3dm and .gh so you can see what you mean (sorry if the document is confusing but I´m learning the program).

Thanks a lot again! 


Yep! That's it :)

Without advanced list management abilities, you can flatten both output from PerpFrame and EvalSurface and then graft + simplify both inputs from align plane (but you have to make sur of your order, plane (0) from Pframe should go with plane (0) from EvalSrf).

To do so, right click on the concerned input and click either on graft, flatten or simplify.

As it's almost 2am in switzerland, I don't spend too much time on explanations (and apologies for it) but this tutorial might help you :

(... spanich accent is just so amazing! "tenemos una lista de listas")

Thanks a lot for the help and for the tutorial in my language! I would invite you to a beer if you dont were so far away from here!!

Thanks again!






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