
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello all,

I've been having a lot of trouble with Rhino's fillet edge function.

I make designs in Illustrator and I want to make 3d models out of them.

I import the illustrator into Rhino, then extrude a solid with sharp edges, and then I try to fillet the edges.

The problem is that the process is very time consuming because there's a lot of guess work as to what radius you can apply. Also the result isn't very good.

I'm looking for a fast way to do this, and I was wondering if there isn't a simpler and faster way to do this with Grasshopper.

Here below are 2 images to illustrate and I attach a file if anyone would be kind enough to give it a try with Grasshopper.

Thanks in advance for your advice


1. This is what I have when I open the Illustrator file:

2. This is what I'm trying to get, even thought the result isn't great, and it takes way too long to do with Rhino's fillet edge function 

Thank you,


Views: 3672


Replies to This Discussion

Just a thought: What if you

1. (in illustrator) offset the edge on the inside by one fillet radius

2. Pipe (with the fillet radius) on the new edge

3. Extrude the edge by 2*fillet radius

4. Boolean union it all together if you are lucky with the Boolean gods.

Would that work for you?


Thank you for your reply,

I am a beginner with Rhino and a total newbie to Grasshopper, so that image is quite fascinating...

I think that I see what you mean, the problem I foresee is that if I pipe the curve, I will probably lose the pointy ends of the swooshes on each side of my design.

I will give it a try



Sorry, the functions used are:

Curve, Explode, Pipe, Slider, Planar Srf, Move, Extrude, Unit Y and Multiply.

Just double click on the GH canvas and start typing the function names.


And, yes, you are right, you will lose the pointy ends. You probably need to establish a geometric logic manually in Rhino first, and then implement that in Grasshopper.







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