
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am trying to combine two grasshopper buttons.  The first button produces a list lofts as list(of Object) in the output parameter, then feeds it into the input of the second button as a list(of surface).

However, when I do this is in 1 VB button it does not work.  Does anyone know the data type to dim the first list (list(of object)) so I can avoid this?  Or the data type of the output parameter?


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The first button produces a list(of brep) as the output, which feeds into the second button as a list(of Surface) input.  

Hi John,

note that Grasshopper uses a different terminology from the Rhino SDK when it comes to "Brep" and "Surface". In Grasshopper, a "surface" is any single-face brep with or without trimming information. In Rhino, a surface can never have trims.

You should probably paste some actual code here though so we can see what's going on.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

Hey David,

Thanks for the response.  I was able to achieve the same thing using NurbsSurface.Createfrompoints. 






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