
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

in internet i've already seen some videos where the user move some anchor points in the rhino 3d ambient and physics engine kangaroo updates the results second by seconds.

In my pc kangaroo updates the location of anchor points only after i end dragging the poin (by releasing the click) or while i end a "move" command.

Views: 676

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Hello Riccardo,

Can you link to one of the videos you are thinking of ?

Kangaroo makes use of the timer to continuously re-solve and update the positions of its points in Grasshopper, but point inputs from Rhino to Grasshopper do not update while you are moving them, until you release the click as you say.

This is not specific to Kangaroo - no Grasshopper components respond to movements of input rhino points during the movement as far as I know. It might be nice if it were possible to get around this, but that's more a question for David. (You can hold down the nudge shortcut keys to get sort of pseudo-live updating movement from Rhino, but it's not ideal).

If the points are moving not because of Rhino move commands, but because they come from some other source which is updating inputs to Grasshopper in real-time, then this doesn't necessarily apply. For example, sensor data from the Kinect/Webcam/LeapMotion via Firefly - perhaps these are the videos you are thinking of.






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