
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Curve constructed from control points and interpolated points

Hi guys,

I am looking for the way of building of NURBS curve which is constructed from control points and interpolated points. So far I have seen only interpolated curve or control points based curve.

Any idea how I can combine that?

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,


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Hi Dmitriy,

I don't know how this should look like....can you draw an example. Interpolated curve an ordinary Nurbs curve (control points) work in a completely different manner. The problem is where they meet. I've made a quick example with a blendcurve. So you can imagine.

If you can specify more i can give you some hints for your bastard curve ;-)

Cheers FF


Hi Florian,

Thanks for having look at that.

Please refer to the image enclosed.

Here you see 2 curves: one as an input (control point based curve of degree 3). Second one is obtained by splitting the input curve with the point indicated in green and then joining both pieces together.

So I want my "bastard" curve to be defined as following:

- points indicated in blue should be given as control point input;

- point indicated in green - should be given as interpolated point;

- neighbor control points of interpolated one should be calculated automatically;

- not only 1-st derivative but 2-nd derivative continuity should be maintained.

I think knot insertion procedure would be required here but I am not sure with what sequence it should be implemented.

Thank you.


I've used this methodology before in GH similar to this.

Hi Dmitriy,

So you need a control point curve that goes trough a certain point, you want to set? Like in the example in the image below?
This could be done with knots (active points in the image).  The corners of the polyline are the control points of the actual curve. So instead of doing crazy shit with different curves and combining them this has a much more clean result.

Best regards,







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