
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


i want to create a surface like that in GH (the surface below created with rhino "patch" command)i use a "VB component" and insert this 1 line code

A = brep.CreatePatch(x, 10, 10, .1)

this is the result:

as you see it is not trimmed

i know that i should control the "automatic trim bolean" in "CreatePatch"

but the problem is the "CreatePath" in GH has 3 different way to work

i used the simple one: "CreatePatch(geometry, uSpans, vSpans, tolerance)"

but if i want to trim the surface i should use a more complex way: "CreatePatch(geometry, startingSurface, uSpans, vSpans, tolerance, trim, tangency, pointSpacing, felexibility, surfacePull, fixEdge, tolerance)"

i don't know what to insert instead of the "red" parameters

Views: 735


Replies to This Discussion

Unfortunately things like pointSpacing, flexibility and surfacePull depend on your particular case. One approach would be to first create an untrimmed patch, then use that surface as the startingSurface for the next patch which will be the trimmed one.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

thanks for the fast reply

you mean there is no way to ignore the "startingSurface"

i try to use the untrimmed surface as "startingSurface" but it doesn't work correctly.


I meant call Patch twice in your script. Once to create the untrimmed starting surface and then to create the trimmed patch.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia


thanks David it works flawless.





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