
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am trying to define a function that conects vertices of multiple floorplates finding the closest vertice in the neighbour level (one up or one donwn) to generete a sort of force lines. Somehow as the image I show bellow, but where the direction of these lines depends of the geometry of each floorplate.

My intention would be to create theses lines to find the shortest path/most veritcal path, and then if the inclination of the lines exeds a certain degree, just make them before.

In the image I show, the closest point is calculated to the selected item. What I need is to evaluate the distance to the last point found as a closes point. It is an iteration and the input point to evaluate the distance is changing every step...

I don't think that is very difficult to do but the problem I have is that I don't see how to make this changing input evalutating each time the next path of the tree...


Has anyone any idea? 

Thank you all!


ps: Great program, great website!

Views: 401


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Is this what you mean?


Thank you for the answer!

The definition is connecting closest points as I need, but I don't understand how exacly works, which is the diference between the blue and the red lines? And how could I do to join curves are contiguous to be able then to create  polylines or s-plines from their points. 

Another issue, is how to implement this deffinition if there are few closed curves in each level (see atached files) and not just one like in the file atached before.

Thank you for your help!








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