
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey everybody,

I've been experimenting with a 3D voronoi logic that I am using for a studio project. I began by populating a box with points and then adding attractor points to add variation to the structure. Since this is an architecture studio project I needed to make the voronoi somehow livable so I managed to place floors (surfaces which intersect with each cell) in every cell of the voronoi structure so that each cell has its own unique floor. The problem I am having is that the points (the original 3D point population), which determine the voronoi structure are also linked to the floor surfaces as I oriented these to the same point population. So my question is, how do I create individual surfaces inside the voronoi cells, not linked to the same points so I can adjust the height of each surface so as to not get awkward spaces in some of the cells? Any advice on how to do this is much appreciated.



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Oh, yes, forgot about that one.






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