
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Passing of data through the Structures between different GHA components

Hi David, Steve and others!

I am looking the way how can I pass the data from one GHA component (as output) to the other GHA component (as input) using structures.

Example of structure should look like this:

Private Structure MD
    'Declare data members
    Dim a As Double
    Dim b As Double
    Dim c As Double
    Dim d As string
    Dim e As String
End Structure

Registering of the output (in the first component) is done in the following way:


pManager.Register_GenericParam("temp", "tempdims","Output")


Dim result As New MD






Registering of the input (in the second component) is done in the following way:

pManager.AddGenericParameter("temp", "tempdims","Input of dims",GH_ParamAccess.item)


Dim MDA As Object=Nothing

If (Not DA.GetData(0, MDA)) Then Return

Dim MDA1 As MD=DirectCast(MDA,MD)

Same structure (MD) is defined in the second component as private type.

While doing the casting with DirectCast I got an error that "Cast method is not valid".

How can I solve the issue?

Should I really define same structure in both components or is there any easier way?

If not, how to perform the right casting?

Thank you in advance!

Kind regards,


Views: 300

Replies to This Discussion

All data that is shared between components through wires has to implement the IGH_Goo interface.

What usually happens is that a wrapper class is written for a specific data type (such as System.Int32 or System.String or Rhino.Geometry.Curve) which provides all IGH_Goo required methods and properties for a single instance of that type.

You can use GH_ObjectWrapper to encapsulate your struct, but GH_ObjectWrapper is a last ditch attempt at providing IGH_Goo functionality, it's typically better if you specifically implement IGH_Goo for your type.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Hi David,

Thanks for prompt reply.

As I understood - new class that inherits GH_Goo(of MD) should be used.

Will it be possible to use GH_Goo if I need to include complicated objects like Brep or Surface?

I have looked through the forum and have found few things that can help me to move further to develop my own type, however is it possible to provide a simple example of setting up a custom type in VB?

Appreciate a lot!



The SDK help files have a topic on deriving from GH_Goo(Of Integer). You can start there.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia






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