
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I had been looking for a solution to generate the conection between two sets of ribs in a waffle structure, finally, I came up with the idea of simply copying and subtracting the opposite set, only to later realize that in the connection the geometries are overlaping (screen shot) each other in a small portion. The thing is I don't know how big a deal this is, and if I might have problem with the assembly after laser cutting the 3mm mdf parts. Tks

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As I think you will indeed have a problem with the assembly, I tried to solve your issue.

I am giving you two similar solutions, one cutting your objects on the XY plane and one using a plane defined by the orientation of your objects. Hopefully they will be useful. Any questions/suggestions are welcome.

Sorry for the late response, I saw your post just this afternoon.




Apparently my 1st solution is not working properly, as the assembly doesn't show on the last rib. However this shall be no problem, as the 2nd solution with the XY planes is suggested for the laser cutter anyway, since all the cutting angles seem to be of 90 degrees.

Hope I helped,



Thanks for the help!

I eventually ended up using a subtracted domain box, which solved the overlaping problem.

Looking at the definition you sent me I saw that one of the steps you sugested was accouting for material loss, which I'm not sure to what it is refering, and how it may affect the fabrication.

I havent cut the pieces yet (or ever before) so I'm still not sure if it is ok as it is.

Atached is the latest version with the pieces already spread out.

Thanks again.



I just added a little extra material, since although the laser cutter is accurate, there still might be some material loss from cutting. You can ask for advice someone who is more familiar with the laser cutter, the material you are using and how the connections work best for this material.






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