
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Null Items vs. not existing Items between older builds of Grasshopper

I am updating a definition that was written in GH 8.0063 to what is the current build 9.0014. The data structure looks to be configured differently in the current GH build. All <null> items that existed in the earlier build are now not existent. How can I keep the <null> items so as to have a place holder?

(Longest list is selected in the dupdata component for the older GH build, but adding the longest list component in front of dupdata for the new GH build does not solve the issue)

Thanks for the help, Dan

Views: 249


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Hi Dan - 

In general, version 9 has made the behavior around nulls / empty lists much more predictable and consistent. 

Below is a generic solution that puts a null in every empty list. However, generally this strategy is not necessary - if you upload your definition (or at least give a little information about what the nulls were supposed to accomplish originally) perhaps someone will be able to suggest a better way to accomplish the same thing under the new behavior. 


Thanks for your help. I attached in more detail the data flow that was problematic and found that the solution was to graft the tree with non existent items. My understanding is that adding an empty branch transfers the problematic non existent item into that branch and keeps the other branches from being modified?







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