
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

How to transpose a "matrix" or split a list into equal length parts?

Hello everyone,

Grasshopper beginner here.  I'm looking for a way to transpose a "matrix", where "matrix" means a list of equal length lists.  For example, if I have {{1,2,3},{4,5,6}}, I'd like to get {{1,2},{3,4},{5,6}}.

I have three lists of points, and I'd like to transform them into a list of point triplets that I can interpolate a curve over.

A related question: is there a way to split a list into sublists of a fixed length?  For example, transform a list of 12 elements into a list of three quarduplets, e.g. {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12} -> {{1,2,3,4}, {5,6,7,8}, {9,10,11,12}} ?

Perhaps I'm not yet thinking in the "grasshopper way" and problems of this nature are best solved in a different way?

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Replies to This Discussion

If you are using v0.7 then there is a component that will transpose the data tree structure. Flip (Flip Matrix) see here

If you are using 0.6 then you will need to do this manually with the Path Mapper something like this {A;B;C}(ì) --> {A;B;i}(C) where you are swapping the last branch C for the index i.

You can use the path mapper in many ways to re configure the data structure of lists have a play with dividing the index i by either using '\', '/' or '%' with you intended value to get different results. Have a look at this thread.
Thanks for the reply! I'm using 0.6. Is there a good tutorial on the Path Mapper component somewhere?
Or generally, is there a tutorial explaining the formal notation used to describe tree structures?
If you right click on the pathmapper component and select help you'll find everything you need.






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