
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

question~How do I generate a fan-shaped form using GH?

I need to generate a fan-shape form using grasshopper like that shown on the bottom of my attached picture. I also need to be able to control the number of wings using a slider component. I was thinking about dividing a circle into n units (using a slider) and then connect the points to the centroid of the circle using lines, then use the lines as the base to generate the fan shape. However, the last step is what I don't know how to do. Can anyone help me with that? Or are there any other ways to do it? 



Views: 424

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I attached my way of doing it. Hope that helps.
You probably need GH0.7.0036 to open the file.

Thank you, but this one didn't really work at some point, for a certain number of wings, the voids are not triangular.
Really? Could you please show me that?






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