
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

HI All, 

I'm experiencing something really weird and I have no idea how to solve it. PLZ help!!

I've created a wavy surface from manipulating control points in GH. When I tried to create hex tessellation from this surface, it won't give me evenly distributed panels (image 1). Cells are stretched and skewed at different locations. 

Now, if I bake the surface first in rhino, rebuild it, and then feed the surface back to GH, it works perfectly (image 2). Any idea how I can avoid this mid step of baking and rebuilding in rhino to get it to work?

p.s. I already re-parameterized the surface before paneling it. 

Any help is great appreciated. Thanks a lot guys!!


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OH I figured it out. 

Wrote a VB script to rebuild the surface! :D

happy Valentine's day.

It's probably an easy thing, but I have no clue on how to script. Would you mind sharing your VB component?


Here you go. 

I set degrees to 3 in the VB script. If you need to change it, either set a value to feed in the script or just go in it and edit the first two numbers.

A = srf.Rebuild(3, 3, u, v)






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