
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

definition or script to convert a weather file to lat and long??

Dear All,

I am trying to find a way to insert location for weather files and get Lon and Lat to use them for sun vectors, any thoughts about a tool or a script to do it??

Thanks to you in advance and any help is highly appreciated!



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Hi Dalia how is it going with your DIVA thing? did it work? still on R4?

Check out Tedngai's page...he's done a lot with solar analysis only in gh

Thanks Frank, I DL the evaluation version of R5 and trying to run the simulations, thanks for asking and helping :)

Hi Dalia,

I think Ladybug does what you need -> (

Hi Mostapha,

I wish I could use Ladybug... but I'm still on Rhino4 :((

anyway to use it on R4 ??? 



Hi Dalia,

Ladybug is in Python so there is no way to run it in Rhino4 as it is right now! The source code is on github though. Theoretically you can rewrite the majority of the components in VB or C# and run it in Rhino4. There will be some parts that won't work in Rhino4 anyways.

Another option is to download an evaluation version of Rhino5 and run your studies!


Thanks Mostapha, I DL R5 and Ladybug, but now I'm starting to get some questions, I have 2 questions for now

1-Ladybug, seems to work with weather files only??? I mean general data, I also found something for building radiation, but can it be used for interior simulations?? such as selecting interior geometries and getting this particular geo data??

2-what's the difference between the difference illuminance values (Global horizontal, diffuse....) and which one to use if I want to apply it to my geometry... thanks& great tool...really!

Hi Dalia,

1. I'm not sure what do you mean by the first part of the question. If you meant that you always need a weather file to use the Ladybug, then the answer is yes.

Back to interior simulations, you SHOULDN'T use the current component for any interior simulation. It doesn't calculate the reflections from the other surfaces. It is only useful for massing studies. I'm working on another plugin that will let you do more advanced studies. I'll update the list once it is ready for public use.

2. If you hover the mouse over the outputs you can read the explanation for each of the outputs. All the output definitions are borrowed from this document:


What do you mean by applying them to your geometry? Do you want to run a daylighting simulation? In that case I suggest you to run a climate-based daylighting simulation using DIVA. What DIVA does is running the simulation using DAYSIM, and DAYSIM reads the data from the epw weather file.

Hope it helps and let me know if you have any other question,


PS: If you don't mind please post your future Ladybug related discussions to Ladybug group, so it will be easier for other users to follow. Thanks. :)






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