
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I am trying to copy DIVA daylighting analysis renderer properties (day/time/location)to Rhino default renderer, is that possible??

Any help is highly appreciated!!

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Hi Dalia,

There is no Sun light command in Rhino4! The sun is simulated by the directional light. Also in rhino5 it is just a directional light that has some more features and is named Sun, so in the end the same. But you don't have to worry about this the script ensures, that you always have a directional light.


Step1: Create any type of light e.g. Spotlight

Step2: Open Properties


Step3: Copy the ID

Step4: Open the GH definition

Step5: Paste the ID in the you have a directional light that simulates the sun. you can feed the vector parameter of the C# component with your sun direction from DIVA.


Thanks Frank, It works works pretty fine, but can I control the light intensity???

when I select the light in GH it turns off in the properties and I can't control the watt or the intensity.



little update ;-)

hope this works for you...tell me if there are other things you need to set..




Thanks Franks... but I am getting an error when I insert the light ID:

error: The Rhino Rdk is not loaded. (line: 0)


Sorry for the multiple questions, you are a life saver!



I googled and found that I may need to Donload C++ and its service pack... I did all that but still getting the same error...

sorry was my fault...didn`t test it in r4...

but it might not be bad to install the RDK ... its free and probably you can enhance your light settings a little bit more


Thanks Frank, but changing the intensity/watt doesn't seem to have any effect on the scene??

Hi Dalia i'm sorry to say that...i just discovered, that on rhino4 it's not possible to change the's really strange even manually (without script involved) it doesn't have any effect...on rhino 5 the same script does change the brightness of the rendered scene...

now we have 2 possibillities:

1) i could add another parameter with Color, where you can set a grayscale in order to set the brightness (it works i tested it)

2) you download the rhino 5 evaluation (after 30 days it won't allow you to save anymore...but will still work after that so rendering will be possible).

the second one i'd prefer, because then you can set the real sun and its going to be a lot more realistic in my opinion.

Hope this helps and i'm really sorry, that nothing seems to work for you with's really crap ;-)

Cheers FF

Frank, sorry for my late response, I am trying both solutions, thanks a lot for your help!








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