
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am in a studio that is using 3D scanners to generate custom furniture for the people we scan. Currently I have a point cloud that represents the scanned object (person). I am trying to figure out how to select the points that are on the outside of the point cloud... points that are the extents of the point cloud. I attempted to draw a curve and use the Closest Points component with little luck. I'd like to select the points without having to draw any extra curves in rhino.


Let me know what you think and if I need to clarify anything. Thanks.



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Hi Steven,

please clarify any further. What´s your aim? A nurbs Surface? A mesh Surface?

Do you want to clean up the resulting point cloud? If you're using any good 3d scanner e.g. NextEngine, they're usually delivered with a pretty good software, that is made just for this.



I'd like to end up with a nurbs surface, but if I first had to make a mesh that would be fine. What I've done recently is take the points and make a Delaunay Mesh in grasshopper, but what I get is a lot of geometry that I don't want (notice the Mother Mary looking mesh in the picture below).


Currently, I'm using a Xbox 360 kinect with the Skanect software. This is mainly for the primilary prototyping phase of this project. Eventually, we will move to a LiDAR scanner.







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