
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello, all,

This may be as much of a mathematical as a Grasshopper or Kangaroo question, but I wonder if anyone can offer advice:

I am creating a symmetrical form constructed from a series of catenary arches. I have tried to use the Kangaroo Wave component, in conjunction with a Series component (as opposed to a Kangaroo Counter component) to create the curves.

Everything works except: I would like to parametrize the number of arches, but this does not work because number of items feeding into the Wave component is not synced with the Frequency of the wave.

So here's my question: is there a way to sync the [counter] input and the Frequency input?

Example screen captures (not attached, because there was an upload problem -- sorry!) and .gh definition attached.

Thanks in advance to anyone who might have a suggestion!


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Here is a part 2, for anybody interested:

The attached file represents the intention toward which this exercise is heading: a waved set of arches inscribed within a larger symmetrical set of arches.

Again, the thing that makes this definition hard to work with is the lack of specificity in the relationship of the frequency to the rest of the parameters.







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