
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

It is not a Bug, but is it really useful the undo command includes Save States?

Just like in Rhino, sometimes I need things again, which were just changed.

So I would save, go back until I can copy these things to the clipboard and restore the saved status to paste them in again.

Undo in Gh will delete your saved states though. What is the intention behind this?

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I think the rationale was that saved states depend on certain objects existing and therefore should be part of the undo/redo stack. After all, if you undo a bunch of object additions then a saved state may no longer be valid as it refers to non-existent objects. That's my best guess anyway, it seems like I wrote some special code just to accomplish this.

Additionally, when you add a new state with the same name as an existing state, the old one gets overwritten, which I think should be an un-doable action.

I can sort of see where you're coming from though, I should probably re-evaluate the logic of adding/replacing/removing states at some point.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia





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