
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all

I downloaded yesterday grasshopper and I'm trying to understand something about this powerful software.
I use Rhino since the first beta release but parametric design is magic to design complex surfaces that were not possible to design before (except with parametric softwares)

I have to design a geodesic surface then I have to render it into 3ds Max.
I readed many examples on this forum but I didn't understand the logic of the various node, examined one by one.
For exampled I tried to flow a trigrid over a surface but without results.
I need to wrap a trigrid without stretching it because the Rhino command flow along surface stretches the pattern, a geodesic surface has only equilateral triangles.

The only method I found is to mesh my surface with Deep Exploration and then use the lattice deformer inside Max to create the structure.

Your help is very appreciate.

Best regards.


Views: 998


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Don't know if it helps, but here
I found downloadable .ghx-fille for a geodesic sphere.
if you wanna flow trigrid over a surface, a better way to do maybe is to make the planar trigrid within a {0,0}{0,1}{1,0}{1,1} rectangle, then use "curve on surface" and reuse the coordinates as UV to make the grid directly on the surface.
and what's more, you can still keep the points to do further operation.

btw. the problem of your surface perhaps is, it's not a surface, but a PolySurface/BRep.






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