
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Boxheight in realation to Distance with Minimum and Maximum Values - NEED HELP!!!


my first time posting sth, because i could not find a solution in the forum.

I stumbled upon a small issue and hope that you can help me with it because i am not getting any further at the moment.
basicaly i generated some square-surfaces in gh. Their centers are arranged on a crv wich is generated from another crv by moving some control pts perpendicular to that origin-crv.
Now i have two lanes of pts with different distances and want to extrude this surfaces, whereat the height of the extrusion should be defined by the distance between the points (the bigger the distance the higher the value) BUT at the same time the height should have e.g. a minimum of 2.5 and a maximum of 5..

just in case i´ll also attach the gh-file

best regards and looking forward to your help and experience,

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David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Thank you very much for your help & reply David,

this is actually something that i allready tried but unfortunatelly this definition doesn´t give me a gradient from 2.5 to 5.0 because it onle says
"if the value is lower than 2.5, take 2.5 instead of it" - e.g. the first pt on the list has a smaller distance than the second, yet the values are both 2.5, so there is no continuous rising of the values..
I think i described the problem incorrectly. So what i am looking for is a gradient from 2.5 to 5.0 depending on the (maybe percentual ?) distance between the pts, whereat the highest distance is variable.
Is this possible ?

Ah, in that case you need to create a domain from a range of numbers using the [Bounds] component. That will tell you the extremes. Then you remap that domain onto 2.5 To 5.0.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

thanks again,

just tried this and i think it´s just what i needed,
unfortunatelly i never used this components bevore and still not getting the result - guess i wired something wrong - but what ?

There's no point measuring the bounds of the 2.5 To 5.0 domain, since you already know that domain. You need to measure the domain of the variables (1.5, 2.5, 4.0, 3.5, 0.5) and then remap those variables using the Bounds.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Ah ok, think i got it.
thanks soo much!!! - with this i can finally work!!! :))
very usefull definition btw, because there are a lot of cases where it comes in handy

best regards,






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