
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, I'm trying to solve following task:

there is a corner of the Brep Box and what i'm trying to do is to make a group of circles to be projected on that corner perpendiculary to each face of the corner. I want to be able to change the position of that group.

I use plane which is always perpendicular to the center of Brep and evaluate circles on that plane. Then send the perpendicular lines from each circles' centers towards Brep and find points of intersection. Unfortunetly, BLX component which doesn't produce normals on the output - so it's impossible to set direction of the circles.

Brep doesn't work like a surface so I cant evaluate these points as simple as useing 'evaluate surface'.

Does anyone know how to evaluate group of the points on the Box and extract it normals ?

I could always find the answers here without asking but this time it seems that no one asked before about it ?

ps I know i can use project component or do it this way but then projected object are gonna be elipses.


Views: 1555


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Not sure I understood the question - but is this what you wanted to do? You can get the normals by exploding the Brep and then using surface-line intersect.
Andrew, thanks a lot for a quick reply. It is what i was trying to do but i somehow missed the 'explode' component...
It is now ok but still question about evaluation of the surface of the BRep box remains unsolved. How to move point on the box surface. Intuition tells me that it is not so complicated but each exploded component has it own UV coordinates and moveing smoothly the point from one face to another seems to be tricky...

Thanks for help again, if anything comes to anyones head i'll be glade to see this idea.






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