
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am trying to digitally model this kind of shape: 

My approach was to first draw the initial branched patterns: 

Then draw the lines between each kink:

Then apply bundling: 

And now I would like to build a surface around the curves:

Could anyone help me figure out how I could build this surface? 

My files are attached. 

Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated!

Views: 1500


Replies to This Discussion


to make the file work I had to change the input curves a little bit. Best I could do :-) Nice Challenge

Best Regards



ahh the shape....


Thank you so much Dedackelzutcht for your reply!!! Your approach is very interesting.

I looked at your script and I added metaballs to have a bigger offset value by the central lines where more material accumulates (and less material around the outer branched lines)

I have tried lofting the two curves without success. Is it be possible to loft these two curves in order to achieve the initial wanted shape?

Thank you again for the help!



Hey Maria,

metaballs are a nice idea. I am not so much into metaballs so I do not know why it produces you each curve that many times. Perhaps you can handle it with a cset at the secound input. the easiest way now is to cull the dupcurves and rebuild it (it contains too many informations, which are not needed) The loft is a problem I do have as well. the seams do not fit. But in Rhino it looks already good.

we have some metaballs experts here. Ask with it as headline again in the forum.

Best regards


Hi people
Interesting forms. It is my variant with complete control and without problems with lofting.


Hey Igor,

metalball seems to be the solution. I tried some other stuff, but did not work. The "mathematical" shaping is realy smooth. And I like the idea to keep it all parametric and use shortest walk as startign point. Thanks for jumoing here in!

Best Regards


The base figure is similar to a fractal Julia. It is possible to try to use it as an initial figure...

Hello Guys! I have been away for a couple of days and I just saw the discussion replies! It looks great! Thank you for the help!





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