
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Fabrication Tabs Problem using EXLAB cluster and GH version 0.9.0014


I am trying to use the cluster that EXLAB have created and posted on their website in conjunction with an unrolled, panelised surface  - see attached file for my definition. When I connect the cluster into my definition, I get this: 

What the cluster appears to be doing is creating one tab for the whole rolled surface as opposed to tabs for each individual panelised surface. I have 'exploded' the cluster and copied it directly into my definition that I am applying it to, to try to debug this and I think I have found the source of the problem but I don't know how to fix it. I think that it has something to do with this part of the definition highlighted in blue:

The Region Union component appears to be taking the panel surface into one surface defined by a curve and I think this is why one tab for the whole surface is being created.

I am stuck on this one so I thought I would put it to the forum for help. How can I change the definition so that only one tab is created for every panel as opposed to what is happening above? Your help would be much appreciated :-)

NB: The original EXLAB files can be found here: (04. fabricate make tabs) however it is not working. 

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Hi, i'm having the same problem.. has anyone found a solution to the problem?





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