
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi All:

I found the "Tangent Arcs" command, but not its linear equivalent. Does anyone know how to create a line that is tangent to two circles?

Better yet, what would be the best strategy for finding the points at which two circles have co-linear direction vectors?


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There's probably a simpler way, but here's one geometric approach. (Assuming it is only the exterior tangents you want) :

Hi Daniel, what exactly are you doing there as the resolution is a bit small for my eyes. Are you using Thales Theorem:

to get the tangent from the centre of one circle and then using its parallel?
Hi Danny,
Yes, exactly.
The full resolution image is there in my post, just open it in a new tab and delete the"?width=721" bit off the end. (It's an annoyance of Ning that clicking images doesn't automatically open them full size)
wow, that's what I've learnt today (about ning, anyway)
That's great guys, thanks a lot!

Is there a way to get the interior tangents? It turns out I actually need them too.
Getting interior tangents works almost the same way, just adding the radii to begin with instead of subtracting.

Another option is to use tangent arcs and set the radius to a very large number. Then extract the arc/circle intersections and draw the respective tangent lines. Of course this is just an approximation, albeit one with negligible tolerance.

Thanks Ben. The thought occurred to me, but my anal-retentiveness makes it hard for me to do things like that without breaking into hives. :)

Thanks for the template!
When everything else fails (or you are too lazy too look up the appropriate theorem) you can always replace your brain with your CPU and make your computer "brute-force" a solution using Galapagos.






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