
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am fairly new to grasshopper and was wondring if someone could help me with a project. I have a building form, the facades and roofs if you will Building_shape.JPG, and I want to create ripples on that like in the attached picture Example_ripples.JPG. There are several starting points for the ripples and I need to be able to change those. 

On top of that the ripples need to follow the shape of the building so at the edge of the roof they need to change direction and continue in a fluid way down the side of the buiding. At the spots where several rippels interfere they need to create a fluid mesh as well.

Last but not least they need to decay with time, as I am not very good with math, I do not know the equations to achieve a sinus functions that decays with time, but from what I have read and tried this seems to be the easies way, I could be totally wrong though!

I have seen several posts about ripples already but they all work with planes instead of 3D forms. I have tried the image sampler to create the ripples and then align them in Rhino with the facades and roof of the building  but the effect is too rough Example_Image_sampler.jpg.

Could anyone please help me with this



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Not proper fluid dynamics, but you can get nice ripple effects by taking the sine of the distance to a point and divide it by the distance. If you need more points, just multiply the results. Try different multipliers at different places to get variations.




yeah! What a lovely page wolframalpha. Thanks for the link!

Best Regards







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