
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I changed the path of my library, but the old one persists and I have to update every time in debug to be able to hit my break points.  

How can I delete this bad path?

See iamge:

Views: 1245

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For me simple putting the cursor in the field and deleting it works. Just click "OK" and the empty field should disappear.

Thanks Sander,

I am able to delete or change the path each time I open Rhino as an application or in debug, but the trouble is that once I close Rhino, reopen, the faulty path is there again.  It must be saved somewhere that I need to flush, but I am not sure where.

hmmm funky...

one way would be to see if you can manually remove the path from the grasshopper_kernel.xml

although I have no idea if david would approve ;)

the grasshopper_kernel.xml is in your C:\Users\%user%\AppData\Roaming\Grasshopper 

make sure to make a backup somewhere.

The path should be in 

<item name="Assemblies:Folders" type_name="gh_string" type_code="10">

Got it, it worked.  Thanks.

Hmm, maybe the delete didn't work since the folder no longer exist. I'll look into it. It might also behave differently in the newest version as there were a lot of changes to how Grasshopper finds folders.

The settings xml files can be completely deleted, which will cause all settings to revert to default. You can also modify the xml file (remove or change any nodes) as long as you keep it valid xml.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

I updated to the latest GH, but this did not help it.
It is good to know that I did not mess it up by updating the XML.






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