
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Controlling/ catching exact points in Point Grid

Guys, can You explain me, how to manage the exact points in grid points. I want to create my own "pattern" based on grid point. I need to choose some specific points from the grid but can't manage with that. I'm trying with Cull Pattern as I saw in some tutorial. Is that good direction of thinking?

I want to do pattern with pentagons similar as in the picture below. 

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You could use the Relative Item component in conjunction with cull patterns etc


Is that possible with only Cull Pattern, Branch, and Shift button? I'm trying to follow the tutorial (hexagonal version from tutorial works > now I'm trying to do my own and choose specific points according to my idea) :

Maybe someone knows good tutorial for these actions, because I think these (working on lists) are one of basics to go further with GH. Am I right guys ?

Have you had a chance to look at the example file I attached

Yes Danny!! Thanks. The problem is that I don't understand that :/ You wrote the points coordination in the "Relative Item" component?? Can You tell something more to explain the whooe mechanism please. I'm quite new in GH and beginning play with lists and so on. 

Rather than avoiding it, embrace it :)

If you have a single data item on each branch of a Path Structure like this:










A Relative Path of {+1;0} would be

{0;0} --> {1;0}

{0;1} --> {1;1}

{0;2} --> {1;2}

{1;0} --> {2;0}

{1;1} --> {2;1}

{1;2} --> {2;2}

{2;0} depends on the wrap settings if False then Nothing otherwise {0;0}

{2;1} Wp = TRUE --> {0;1}

{2;2} Wp = TRUE --> {0;2}

However if I have more than one Relative Path per item then I can choose lots of points




I would get the item on the previous branch the item on this branch and the item on the next branch in that order.

Does this help?

Oops that should be the other way around + being next and - being previous

may be I'm stupid but without sketch I won't understand that Danny :)

I'm really on the beginning of working with lists in GH.

Where are the corners of pentagon in your answer? How can I compare the point grid to Your number coordinates ?

Ok lets go back to the beginning.

Do you know what the difference between Path Structure and Data Structure is?

(Using your example Above where you have a grid of points)

Data Structure is:

You have 91 Items on 13 Branches (7 rows * 13 columns = 91 points)

Path Structure is:

The Address of all those items on the Data Tree.

Think of the "{0;0;0}" format as an addressing system.

The not obviously necessary extra 0's at this point represent the equivalent to Country and State (or something like that)

So the first point in your grid in Column 0 Row 0 has the address {0;0;0}(0)

The next point up is {0;0;0}(1) until you get to the to of the column {0;0;0}(6)

The Next column over is {0;0;1} with points ranging from (0) to (6)

We continue like this until we get to the last column Last Point {0;0;12}(6)

Therefore a relative path from the first point in the first column  to the last point in the last column is {0;0;+12}(+6}

Does this make sense so far?

Danny thank You  for replies. 

I came back fromm weekend and continue learning :) 

I understood the list You made on the GH in panel (with small exception). Can You take a look on the image  please? I don't understand the meaning of two zeros on the begining of each term. They aren't "columns" and "rows" i guess but can''t understand what exactly it means. 

That is the Path Structure of your data tree that the data resides in, so you have to match it. To get an idea of what it should be you can either hover over the out put of the SDIVIDE component or use a Param Viewer.


And what is the "graft" for? :)

Graft ensures that you get 1 point on each branch to make the Relative Indexing more straight forward. But the Principle is the same. Instead of {0;0;Columns}(Rows) you get {0;0;Columns;Rows}(pt)






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