
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

To be fair, I'm not too great with tree structure, but here's what I'm trying to do:

I have six surfaces and four pipes. It just so happens that surface at {0;1} intersects no pipes.

After doing some clean up and path mapping, I am left with a bunch of curves in {0;0} and {0;2}. The plane in {0;1} does not intersect any of the pipes, so the branch of its resulting intersection curves is not present.

When I try and project the curves back down to the plane, grasshopper tried to project the curves from {0;2} onto the {0;1} surface and the {0;2} surface.

Why is this happening?

Views: 501


Replies to This Discussion

The problem is that the 2 tree structures going into the Project component don't have identical structures: you need that empty, middle branch, {0;1}, that was removed by the PathMapper.

One solution is to add a second line to your pathmapper: {A;B} -> {A;B}, and in the Clean component make sure the option to remove empty branches is set false.






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