
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Creating a bleacher/steps from multiple curves


I've developed a grasshopper solution that will create a bleacher or steps base on a curve.  The solution works well when I select a single curve.  However, I'd like to be able to select multiple curves and have the solution produce individual steps for each curve.  Currently, GH is understanding all the selected curves as a single curve.  I've attached jpegs, and both the .3dm and GH files.  My eventual goal is to be able to loft between these steps with 2x6 lumber to create the step surface. Any help in this regard would be definitely appreciated, I've been racking my brains!


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As a first guess, somewhere in your solution you have flattened the data causing to curves to be run in series rather than parallel. You would have to try and either use the path mapper component or some other series generated selection to handle your data. I'm unable to have a look at the files until tomorrow, but will try then, if no one else chips in with a better answer for you.
There was a problem with the link downloading the files. So if you're interested here's how I would go about this task whilst maintaining the multiple curves data.

Here's the GH file and the 3dm file again, lets hope this works better. Also, thanks for the help so far Danny. I haven't had a chance to sit down and investigate the suggestions yet!..
This is the message I get when I click on either link???????????

The plot thickens

Hi Danny,

Sorry for not following up sooner, however my internet service has been down for some time.. hope you still have the patience to try again with the source files.. Thanks,,
Hi Danny,

The solution you posted worked out perfectly!.. thanks very much!





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