
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hello everybody,

I am trying the latest version of pt-gh(07-10-2012) .The ptmorph3dlist doest not work in grasshopper. I have attached the 3dm and gh file in question.

Is there anything wrong with my gh connection, or it is because of the version confliction( There is an error when loading the pt plugin first time, but after ignore it, the panelling tools working just fine. My version of rhino 5 is 2012-0524)?  thanks.


Views: 491


Replies to This Discussion

Hi archtbug,
What was the error you got?

In order for the new gh-pt to work, you need to also download and install the PanelingTools plugin because it has the functions that pt-gh uses:

Let me know how that goes.

-Rajaa Issa

hi rajaa,
I did download and install the latest panelling tools plugin,and it works fine outside of grasshopper.
In grasshopper, the ptmorph3dlist turned red and there is a runtime error says "solution exception:boolean panelling tools utility....etc..".please see the screen shot and my uploaded gh file. thanks .


Hi archtbug,

I ran your definition at my end and it works fine. See image.
Just because PT is running in Rhino, does not mean you have the latest.
Can you please run PluginManager command in Rhino and find PanelingTools path and date.

i deleted all PanelingTools plugins and install the new one once again, and it works!!.

thanks a lot rajaa!.






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