
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

dear users,

does anyone knows which kind of data grasshopper send through streming port for the board dialogue with tools like firefly, udp, vbnet? Is ascii or what kind of data is that?


Views: 817

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Tommy,

all data in Grasshopper derives from an interface called IGH_Goo which is defined in the Grasshopper SDK. How individual components choose to communicate with a remote piece of hardware is up to the developer in question. Why do you want to know this?

David Rutten
London, UK
Dear David,
thank you for reply first. I am working on a project and i would like to use Firefly for communication with grasshopper. I have an engineer friend that asked me which kind of data grasshopper stream to the tools like that and i thought was a good idea to ask to the community. I think can be useful for everyone who will run similar project in future.
Only Andy Payne knows the answer to that question as he is the one who wrote FireFly. Though if I had to guess I think he probably used the build-in DotNET Serial port com classes. And how those are implemented is a question for the Microsoft DotNET development team.

The beauty of a proper OOP platform is that everything is encapsulated, so nobody has to worry about how stuff works internally, just how it is presented.

I'd like to know whether engineer friend has a pressing reason for wanting to know this or whether it is just curiosity. (I hesitate to label it "idle curiosity" because I think there's no such thing).

David Rutten
London, UK
thank u a lot David,
i will ask that to Andy Payne. For the data question i dont know well since im not expert (i am design student), i just asked him to help me for the project and their school never used grasshopper and they don't know anything about this kind of tools, they use just programs wrote by themselves. i think he wants to understand the streming this tools uses. by the way i really want to use gh and firefly because seems, from the videos i saw here, they communicate easily and in a great way and is something i can understand, instead C language that i cant at all.






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