
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everybody, I have download latest rhino 5 and panelling tool plugin but when I run grasshopper , there is no panelling tool tab? how can i load panelling tool in grasshopper?


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Hello Puneet,

besides the plugin, you need to download PT-GH addon.

step 3, in 'download and installation' instructions.

Thank you for replying. I tell you in detail what i did. I downloaded latest rhino 5, cut and paste grasshopper from rhino 4 plugin folder to rhino 5 plug in folder. So now i can run grasshopper in rhino 5. I also download panelling tools and PT-GH addon and saved in rhino 5 plugin folder.
I can see panelling tool tab in rhino 5 but when i open grasshopper , there is no panelling tool tab. Hope i am able to explain my problem.

PT-GH addon should not be in rhino5 plugin folder:

3- Download and save PT-GH Add-on in GH plugin folder (%appdata%\Grasshopper\Libraries). 

Thanks for your quick response. I am having one confusion , when I did the second step i.e download latest panelling tool plugin, i receieved message that it is already installed. Panelling tool plugin is working in rhino 5 but not in grasshopper. I saved PT-GH Add-on in library folder in grasshopper. what am i doing wrong?

for me, all the steps worked fine. Check the discussions, it seems few others face similar problem.

Hi Puneet,

Sorry about the trouble. Is this the first time you use PT in V5 Rhino?

I suggest you try the following:
- Remove any PanelingTools plugin installer, and plugin files from the plugin folder.  Also remove PT-GH addon (PTComponentLibrary.gha) library file from there.
- Open new session of Rhino, if PT is working inside Rhino, please go to plugin manager and see under PT plugin properties the path of the loaded plugin.  Please post this information here or email to me (rajaa @  The reason I ask is that when installing PT, it is saved to a special location, and once you open new session of Rhino, it should load PT from that location.  We need to verify that by checking the path.
- Make sure you save PTComponentLibrary.gha to GH special addons folder.

I removed PT-GH add on completely and then i opened rhino 5. I have been working with latest version of panelling tools in rhino 5 for few months now.
As you asked, i Right clicked panelling tools in plugin and opened properties. Its showing file name and registery path.
File name- C:\users\asus\appdata\roa.....\panelling tolls.rhp

Registry path- \\HK...\6caed836-bc06-4ebc-b1fd-e10886a0dc94

Waiting for your reply. And thanks a ton for your support

I've spent days trying to sort this out is there any short cut to get Grasshopper running ?   






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