
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have a Brep cylinder consisting of thre surfaces: the cylinder wall, and two planar caps.


I assumed that each of these surfaces (or Brep Faces if you will) would be accessible through the Brep.Faces property, but that is not the case; as this returns a single surface for the cylinder wall, and one plane at each of the two end-caps.


Now, if I try to extract the edges of this same cylindrical brep, it returns one trimmed surface (for each of the two end-caps) and one plane for the cylinder wall.


Will someone explain the best (most consistent) method for extracting brep faces from various types of brep geometry?  Or, how can I now sort the planes and surfaces from one another?


I have little experience programming; let me know if something is unclear.




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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Matt,

a brep representing a cylinder will have three faces. A single untrimmed curved surface which is closed in one direction and two trimmed plane surfaces that represent the caps.

You're going to have to post some code though so we can have a look.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia






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