
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I know the mouse-selection of preview geometry has been a topic of conversation before (although I couldn't find the conversation I've seen before) but I have a couple questions / ideas I wanted to throw out there.

I know that with preview geometry there is no rhino geometry to actually click on, but for example, if a GH point parameter holding 10 points was selected in GH, and then you clicked on or near one of those points in rhino, is it possible to at least return the index of the point closest to the location of the click? I'm not sure about how depth plays into that, but it seems at least possible.

So in that case, I was wondering if it might be possible to do something like:

1. Select a component in GH representing a list of objects

2. go into rhino and click an object (while holding another key, ctrl or whatever)

3. Grasshopper would then place a "click-cull" component just downstream of the parameter component, connected to the parameter component, with the index(es) of the clicked objects automatically entered in the "index" input of the "click-cull" component.


You could just have a "record click indexes" component that keeps track of the indexes of objects near rhino clicks within a list of selected objects in GH. Then you could take care of the culling yourself.

So ultimately you would have a method of isolating objects from a list much more intuitively

Would something like this be technically feasible? 



Views: 557

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I would rather want an indices preview in rhino viewport. So by selecting any component with multiple values , you would see nice, readable (unlike standard text tag), integers in viewport.

I don't know about rather, but definitely in addition to. It would be great to see that info in Rhino as well, but I would want a way to record those indices in GH (so it's not just visual feedback) and I could plug that record into components downstream.






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