
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Everyone.

I'm having problems understanding how the wind vector works on Kangaroo. I want the wind force to be applied in the center of my geometry but although I set x-direction to 0, the output geometry shows as if the wind is actually applied in another direction. Can anyone please help me clarify that? thanks.

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It's because your meshes didn't join properly. You need to flatten the list of meshes before joining them to properly combine them into one.

I'd also recommend using the weaverbird mesh join for this, and also unifying the mesh normals so it renders better


Great! Thanks a lot Daniel!


Hi Daniel. I wonder if you could help me. I have generated my meshes but even if I flatten the curve/meshes before joining then, the results are quite odd. The wind is applied to one side of it and even if I try to change its coordinates, the response is not following through. Oddly enough, it looks like if the wind vector is generated from the starting point of my definition. Is that even possible? Is there a way of controlling the origin of the wind vector to maximise the response of the mesh? I hope my question makes sense....







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