
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Why are Paneling Components Not Working in New Install?

Hi All,

I recently installed Rhino 5, Grasshopper and a whole bunch of plug-ins on a new machine and have been trying to use a definition that I made using Paneling Tools on my old machine.  For some reason the grid components aren't working as you can see in the screenshot below.  Does anyone know how to get around this?  Thanks for any and all help!

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Hi Jessica,

I've let Rajaa know about this problem, otherwise, could you maybe next time please post to the PanelingTools group here?


- Giulio

Will do. 

Hi Jessica,

Updating PT-GH plugin involves writing new SDK functions that are installed with PT plugin for Rhino.
This is why you need to download both the latest PT-GH and PanelingTools plugin to get up to date library.

1-Download the latest PanelingTools Plugin.

2-Download and save PT-GH Add-on in GH plugin folder (%appdata%\Grasshopper\Libraries).

Let me know if this works for you.



Hi Rajaa,

I tried to uninstall and reinstall Rhino 5 and the newest grasshopper and Paneling Tools versions as per your instructions but unfortunately, I'm still getting the same error message when trying to use the grid components.  I also noticed that when opening Grasshopper there are quite a few loading errors that  I have attached as a text file below.  Thank you for your help!



Hi Jessica,

Do you get same errors if you create definition from scratch.  That is when open new GH document and drag the PT-GH component to document, does it give you same error?
Also, can you post or email me ( the GH file?



Hi Rajaa,

Same issue with Rhino 6. I reinstalled Rhino 6 to try and solve a redrawing / display issue.

Panelingtools & Sectiontool for Rhino 6 were working prior to the reinstall






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