
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello I am wondering what is the easiest way to convert my mesh structure into polysurfaces so that I can create drawings? Ive tried Mesh to Nurb in Rhino but crashes therefore I am seeking a better solution? something that is perhaps within GH since I generating this through GH

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Hi Cesar,

maybe this is just too large to be used with the _MeshToNurb command.

What are you trying to do with this geometry?

- Giulio

Hello well what I am trying to do is generate drawings plans, sections etc however theyre meshes

Yes, I see. Maybe you want to later use _Make2D or a similar command. I'd suggest then to use the _ExtractMeshFaces, and extract several parts corresponding each to about 1/12 of the complete object. Subsequently, convert the different resulting meshes one by one. This should make the conversion and the operation in other commands lighter.

I hope this helps,

- Giulio

thanks i found a def to create brep from mesh however it makes my file huge from 2mb to 400mb

If you convert the mesh to a brep and use the make2d command, it won't look as good as in the render you posted. All the edges created with the pictureframe component will show and _mergeallfaces won't work since it's not planar.


Do  you have access to Revit? If you don't mind all the mesh edges showing you can import the mesh into Revit and create a flat dwg drawing of any hidden line view in seconds.

My school does have revit but i dont know how to use it at all

How do you create a mesh drawing in Revit? I have a similar problem with meshtoNURB.

Where is the definition? Can you post it? I have a similar problem.

I am having similar problem, I have a topo that was created from a  point cloud, I used the Delaunay mesh command, and that worked but it is a mesh.  I need a nurbs surface, and it is far too large of a mesh to use the meshtonurb command in rhino.

ANy ideas, thanks






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