
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

After a looking for a very simple diagrid definition based off a point grid (or surface grid) with no scripting I decided to make one. The idea is just to make it as simple as possible for anyone figuring out how a diagrid works for the first time (as I am). Next step, a simple way to create surfaces.


Let me know if it could be any simpler =)


Views: 2259


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thx so much for sharing! i try to make one but urs is definitely better!

@he hanchao thanks! glad someone has a use for it

Here is a fairly sloppy surface solution to go with it, again just thinking by doing here.

It's up to whoever uses it to turn it into something useful =)


Tested with a sphere, wasn't expecting this pattern. Could be useful.

Joe S,

would you be willing to share your sphere definition, or explain how you made it?  Thanks!

That was easy, thanks!!!






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