
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello guys,

I am having a problem with the sweep2 tool.

It does not create sweeps according to the rail curve, but goes above it once it approaches the section curve.

I tried changing the units and tolerance but the problem does not go away.

I also tried sweep1 but I am having even greater problem with that (

I am enclosing snapshots, the definition and and a simple 3dm file with 2 base surfaces which I am using in my definition.

I would really appreciate your help,

Thanks in advance,


Views: 639


Replies to This Discussion

This is how it would behave in Rhino. I think you need to add more sections

Hello Danny,

Thanks for your quick reply.

I shattered the original section curve into another four sections which splits my sweep in 4, however, this only makes the "hump" smaller but does not remove it. Does this mean that I can only continue making it smaller until it is unnoticeable?

Looking forward to your reply,



Can I suggest you look at using the rail revolve component for this. I think you would get better results

Thank you Danny, I will try this.

Does it work on any random curve or only on a perfect circle as a rail?

Take care,







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