
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

OK so I have 4 control points and I want to make a nurbs curve that connects them.

I connect them in into a nurbs curve component... and I play with "graft", "flatten" and "simplify" features on all four points.

Either I get a faceted curve (even if the Degree is 3), or I get a partial curve (one or more spans missing) or I get a squiggly mess.

I presume, since I have dashed connectors on 3 of my points, that I am dealing not with 4 points but with many, and GH doesn't understand how I want them to be used.

I think am missing GH concepts concerning "data trees", and reading tuts isnt helping lol

Can anyone help me get a simple, smooth curve?

Views: 283

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can you upload an example of your points as it's hard to understand why you wouldn't get a curve out of a curve component, unless, as you say the data tree is having an effect, in which case an example is needed.






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